
-Dull complexion -Peach fuzz -Uneven tone


dermaplaning jacksonville, dermaplane facial jacksonville fl


Dermaplaning is a procedure that uses a specialized blade to remove dead skin and hairs. 

The procedure gives a smooth, youthful, and radiant appearance by removing dead skin and vellus hair. Continued exposure to pollution, toxins, and UV rays make the skin appear dull; thus, removing this layer reveals newer skin cells that may cause a person's skin to appear smoother and glowing. 

Risks and side effects

Only a licensed professional should perform dermaplaning, as the amount of exfoliation will depend on each client's skin barrier. When an esthetician performs the procedure, a person can generally consider it safe. Possible risks of dermaplaning include:

  • Appearance of whiteheads following the procedure

  • Redness on the skin

  • Small nicks or cuts

Who is eligible for dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning can be customized to accommodate any skin type, including sensitive skin, making the procedure safe for most skin types. Although the majority of clients are good candidates for dermaplaning, it is not recommended for clients who:

  • Have active acne

  • Active Psoriasis or eczema in the treatment area

  • Thick or coarse facial hair